Using quantum tunnelling sensing principles, eDermis enables piezoresistive touch, force, and position measurements in a compliant and flexible package. The e-skin uses only 4 wires (about as thin as 2 human hairs), and is highly customisable in size, shape, and number of tactile sensing regions.
Core features
Customise & Embed
A variety of substrate materials, force ranges, shapes, and form factors are available, ensuring perfect integration into your project.
Pressure, Location and Magnitude with TrueResistance™
X and Y outputs for location. Z output corresponds to the resistance due to the pressure applied. Multiple resolution options available with our custom DAQ.
Flexible and Conformable
eDermis can be wrinkled, bent, and wrapped around nearly any hard or soft surface.
Dynamic Force and Pressure Range
Nominal ranges for the eDermis sensors are 0.01 - 30N (Force) and 500Pa - 160kPa (Pressure). Both of these ranges are tuneable, to suit whatever needs you may have.
Thin yet
As thin as 2 human hairs at 0.2 mm, with extremely high robustness. Durable to more than 1 million cycles of compression or flexing with a reliable output.
Sensor achieves high data density with only 4 wires, ensuring that DoF of robots are maintained without a rat’s nest of wires. Custom deep learning and sensor data processing applications are also available on request.